Visiting Scholar from Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

Federico Dallo, PhD, joined CBE from Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and a Marie Curie Fellow. He brings expertise with wireless monitoring in remote field installations. Federico received his PhD in Environmental Science from Ca’ Foscari where his dissertation focused on the study of the diffusion of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in snow. He also has an MS in Chemistry from the University of Ferrara.

Federico has collaborated with the University of California, Berkeley, and the Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate of the CNR in Bologna, under the supervision of Prof. Carlo Barbante at the Department of Environmental Sciences of Ca’ Foscari. Atmospheric observatories in remote areas are currently the main source of  background environmental data for meteorology and climatology. Despite their importance, collecting data in remote places is often complex and expensive. The goal of this project is to develop autonomous low-cost observing systems and build a low-cost monitoring network for the study of transboundary pollutant transport phenomena crossing the eastern Alps.