Visiting Scholar from Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Dr. Guangyu Cao is a Professor at Norwegian University of Science and Technology. He received his PhD degree in 2009 in Helsinki University of Technology. From 2009 till 2014, he worked at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland as a senior scientist in the field of ventilation, energy efficiency and indoor environment quality. As a visiting scholar, Dr. Cao spent one year at University of Texas at Austin during 2013 till 2014. Since October 2014, he has worked as a professor at Department of Energy and Process Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology. His research interests include ventilation, indoor airflow distribution, thermal comfort, indoor air quality, built environment quality and protected zone ventilation. Since 2005, Dr. Cao has completed over 100 scientific publications regarding ventilation, airflow distribution and indoor air quality in international journals and national and international conferences. Moreover, Dr. Cao has served several international conferences as reviewers, session chairs and evaluators of paper and poster. In particular, he served as vice president of the Healthy Building Europe Conference 2021 in Norway, and vice president of the Ventilation Conference 2018 in Finland.