PhD student from University of Bío Bío, Chile


Center for the Built Environment
390 Wurster Hall #1839, Berkeley CA 94720-1839

Katherine is a graphic designer with background from the School of Architecture and Design PUCV, Chile, and an MA in Information Design from the University of Reading, UK. She is currently a PhD candidate in Architecture and Urbanism from Universidad del Bío Bío, Chile, and currently on a research visit at the Center for Built Environment (CBE), UC Berkeley. In Chile, she is a professor at the School of Architecture and Design, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, where she conducts research in the “Form, Culture and Technology” study area, with a focus on interaction design and user experience. She is a member of the Accessibility and Inclusion Research Center, where she focuses on experimenting with methods and processes for inclusive research with adults with intellectual disabilities, in codesigning and developing technological support with a universal design approach. Her PhD research brings her interest in inclusive research with thermal comfort studies to understand the use and impact of personal comfort systems in intellectually disabled adults living independently.