Past CBE Events

Please visit the individual pages below to view videos and slide decks from these events.


Symposium on the Water-Energy Nexus: Holistic Solutions for Climate Change and Resiliency

April 24, 2019

Energy and water resource management have historically been treated as separate concerns. However, water is used in the production of nearly every major California energy source, and energy is used at multiple steps in water delivery and treatment systems. Risks from climate change and interest in resilience have increased awareness of the interdependence of water and energy systems. Speakers will explore sustainable water use and management, water-use intensity in electrical generation, and case studies where water and energy were considered holistically to promote sustainability at the building, city, and regional scale.


Symposium on the Changing Face of ZNE and Responsible Grid Citizenship

October 17, 2018

More than ten years ago the California Energy Commission (CEC) and California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) established aspirational goals of Zero Net Energy (ZNE) for all new residential construction by 2020 and all new nonresidential and highrise residential construction by 2030 with half of existing buildings being renovated to ZNE by 2030. A group of exceptional speakers discussed topics related to state policy as well as building design and operations essential to moving to ZNE and beyond toward an efficient, low-carbon California.

Multiracial young creative people in modern office.

Symposium on Putting Health and Wellbeing Research Findings into Practice

April 18, 2018

This symposium brought together experts who are deeply engaged in conducting and/or applying health and wellbeing research. They shared findings that offer the potential to improve how we design, operate and measure healthy and productive spaces that benefit occupants while also supporting companies’ financial performance.


ZNE and Passive Survivability at Living Future 17

May 18, 2017

CBE research staff collaborated with Integral Group for a panel session to explore the new developments and synergies that exist when designing for zero-net energy and passive survivability.

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