CBE Associate Director Gail Brager Receives Education Award from AIASF
Very Low-cost MEMS-based Ultrasonic Anemometer for Use Indoors and in HVAC Ducts
The California Energy Commission’s Energy Innovation Showcase has awarded CBE with funding for a project to develop new, inexpensive airflow sensors that will save energy and collect data more efficiently.
IoT Tools for Assessing Building Operation
Co-written by CBE project scientist Tom Webster, this article discusses how IoT sensing networks can give a better representation of occupant experience as the sensors control environmental conditions in buildings.
Sunlight and Indoor Thermal Comfort
Edward Arens, Ph.D., and director of the CBE, writes an article for ASHRAE journal announcing updates to ASHRAE Standard 55 that are meant to ensure thermal comfort for occupants exposed to solar radiation indoors.
Why your office is so cold, and how to deal with it
Kate Baggaley from Popular Science writes about overcooling in the workplace during the summer months, with insight from CBE’s Stefano Schiavon on thermal comfort and AC inefficiency.
Climate control on your wrist from Somerville-based company Embr Labs
Hiawatha Bray from the Boston Globe writes about a wearable personal comfort system called The Wave, developed by Embr Labs. Bray interviewed CBE’s Hui Zhang and discusses a study done by our researchers testing the device.
So Sweet / And So Cold: Sensation, Perception, and Hedonic Response
Flu Virus Can Be Spread Just From Breathing: New Study
Asner Hassan from NBC Bay Area interviews CBE’s Jovan Pantelic regarding a new study that found that the flu virus can be spread simply by breathing, meaning potential change in public health policies and in architectural workplace design.
Amid flu epidemic, more bad news about its spread
Kathleen Maclay writes about airborne infection by the flu virus, with insight from CBE’s Jovan Pantelic, who studies healthy buildings and indoor air quality.
Thermal Delight
In this podcast episode, Emmett FitzGerald explores the history of air conditioning, and interviews CBE’s Gail Brager about the new thermal comfort standards developed at CBE and adopted by ASHRAE.