Psychology and the Post-Pandemic Workplace
In this free e-book from the American Psychological Association (APA), CBE researcher Lindsay T. Graham, PhD, discusses workplace wellbeing and the need to reimagine the workplace (including the psychological needs of occupants) as we re-enter office buildings in some capacity as pandemic restrictions are lifted.
Can You Decorate and Clean Your Way to Happiness? Science Says Yes
In this article, researcher Lindsay T. Graham shares her insights and expertise on the psychology of space and the impact your home has on your daily experience. This article shares some research-backed tips to transform your home into a space that is restorative to your health and happiness.
BrainBox AI and WattTime Announce Partnership to Reduce CO2 Emissions from Commercial Buildings
BrainBox AI, a leader in autonomous building technology, has announced a partnership with WattTime, an environmental nonprofit that helps people and organizations to reduce emissions and use cleaner energy. CBE has partnered with WattTime on research to help buildings located in the Great Lakes region to reduce their mercury emissions.
Homecomings used to feel special. But that was before we spent all our time at home.
CBE researcher Lindsay T. Graham was interviewed for this article, which discusses our relationship to our homes during the pandemic. She shares how we naturally crave variety, and how boredom initiates a physiological response similar to stress.
The Health Toll of Living in Small Apartments
This article shares some of the health impacts of living in small spaces, and highlights the research done by Lindsay T. Graham on people’s psychological relationships with their homes.
The Science-Backed Ways to Make Your Home a Happier Place to Be
The pandemic has brought focus to the need (and benefits!) for your home to be a space that is happy and healthy. CBE researcher Lindsay T. Graham was interviewed for this article, where she shares her expertise in the psychology of space and how your home is a reflection of your personality.
Inspired by Nature
CBE Associate Director Gail Brager was one of the experts interviewed for this article, where she shares about the research done on biophilia and alliesthesia. The article offers some ideas on how to bring natural elements into your home, which will have a positive impact on your health and wellbeing.
Six Decluttering Tips for Anyone Who’s Overwhelmed at the Very Thought
CBE researcher Lindsay T. Graham offers her expertise on the psychology of the home environment in this recent article, which provides tips for decluttering your space.
Women in Sustainability Podcast: Interview with Gail Brager
CBE’s Associate Director Gail Brager was interviewed for the Women in Sustainability podcast, hosted by Kira Gould and UC Berkeley alum Lindsay Baker. She talks about meaningful mentorship, the power of collaboration, and gives a sneak peek at the book she is currently working on.
Top Interior Design Trends of 2020: From Home Offices to Two-Tone Kitchens
Researcher Lindsay T. Graham was interviewed for an article focused on the top design trends of 2020, and offers her insight into the idea of a “dream home”.