CBE in the News

Psychology and the Post-Pandemic Workplace

In this free e-book from the American Psychological Association (APA), CBE researcher Lindsay T. Graham, PhD, discusses workplace wellbeing and the need to reimagine the workplace (including the psychological needs of occupants) as we re-enter office buildings in some capacity as pandemic restrictions are lifted.

Inspired by Nature

CBE Associate Director Gail Brager was one of the experts interviewed for this article, where she shares about the research done on biophilia and alliesthesia. The article offers some ideas on how to bring natural elements into your home, which will have a positive impact on your health and wellbeing.

Women in Sustainability Podcast: Interview with Gail Brager

CBE’s Associate Director Gail Brager was interviewed for the Women in Sustainability podcast, hosted by Kira Gould and UC Berkeley alum Lindsay Baker. She talks about meaningful mentorship, the power of collaboration, and gives a sneak peek at the book she is currently working on.

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