The Big Psychological Issues at Stake With Tiny Homes
Sarah Sloat from discusses the fashionable “tiny home” movement with CBE’s Lindsay Graham, who notes the importance of involving psychological expertise when designing these buildings for people.
It’s hot outside. Why is the office so cold?
Gail Brager is quoted for her research regarding thermal comfort and how to control for it in this article, written by Stacy Burling, about overcooled office buildings.
21 Tips for Executing Radiant Cooling Systems [AIA course]
Fred Bauman is quoted discussing the proper role of radiant cooling systems, along with how to properly execute them in building, in this article written by Robert Cassidy.
ARPA-E Funding Personal Climate Control Systems with Robots, Foot Coolers, and More
Evan Ackerman writes about recent energy-related projects being funded by ARPA-E, including CBE’s project creating a wireless office chair that heats and cools the individual sitting in it for personal comfort & energy efficiency.
Energy innovations to save you money (and keep you warm at work!)
Jackie Wattles from CNN Money shows some of the new technologies that were present at the ARPA-E conference, including CBE’s temperature-controlled office chairs.
To Save Big on Energy, Heat People, Not Air
The New Frontier in Energy Efficiency on Display at ARPA-E: Personal Heating and Cooling
Jeff St. John writes about the ARPA-E Innovation Summit, featuring quotes from Ed Arens, who spoke at the conference and demonstrated CBE’s work on temperature-controlled office chairs, shoes, and other personal items.
Seven Teams Win Big at Catalyst Energy Innovation Demo Day
CBE is announced as one of the winners of the Catalyst Energy Innovation Prize program for its Livable Analytics project, which focuses on understanding how energy-saving technologies and building performance impact occupant satisfaction.
Are We Over-Air Conditioned?
Merideth Fowlie addresses the debate over the excessive air-conditioning in American offices, featuring input from Stefano Schiavon for his research on HVAC systems and their role in thermal comfort.
How to Boost Performance through Thoughtful Workplace Design
Chris Cancialosi of Forbes advises ways to effectively increase productivity through workplace design, quoting CBE’s Stefano Schiavon on how giving employees some personal control over their workspace, through factors like temperature, can make a big difference.