Edward Arens
CBE Director and Professor Emeritus of Architecture
Edward Arens has been PI for numerous state, federal, and industry grants addressing building energy performance, indoor environmental quality, field monitoring and architectural aerodynamics.
Gail Brager
CBE Associate Director and Professor of Architecture
Gail S. Brager leads research efforts related to dynamic comfort, worker performance in office environments, and mixed-mode buildings, which combine natural and mechanical ventilation.
Carlos Duarte
Assistant Professional Researcher
Carlos’ research interests include radiant heating and cooling, occupant behavior impact on building energy consumption, and the development of tools that help various building stakeholders.
Xiaojun Fan
Postdoctoral Researcher
Xiaojun Fan’s research lies in human-centered, health-driven design and optimization of indoor environments to minimize energy use and environmental impact.
Mario Frei
Postdoctoral Researcher
Mario Frei’s expertise is sensor deployments for comfort and energy research in the built environment.
Allison Herbert
Research Coordinator
Allison Herbert acts as a Research Coordinator for CBE by managing day to day operations as well as membership and event planning.
Charlie Huizenga
Research Specialist
Charlie Huizenga develops hardware and software that help us design and operate buildings that use less energy and provide improved environmental quality.
Tobias Kramer
Postdoctoral Researcher
Tobias’ research investigates the intersection between indoor environmental quality, occupant interaction and energy-efficiency in buildings.
David Lehrer
Communications and Research Collaborations
David is the primary liaison for CBE’s Industry Partners, he leads outreach and recruitment, and supports the research portfolio development.
Jiayu Li
Postdoctoral Researcher
Jiayu specializes in airflow in built environments and indoor air quality. He recently focused on airborne disease transmission, kitchen environments and alternative cooling systems.
Therese Peffer
Program Director, CIEE
Therese Peffer is a project manager and researcher at the Berkeley Energy and Climate Institute and California Institute for Energy and Environment.
Paul Raftery
Professional Researcher
Paul Raftery is currently a co-PI on two major projects: one focused on radiant hydronic systems and one focused on integrated smart ceiling fans and thermostats.
Matt Roberts
Assistant Professional Researcher
Matt’s research is focused on life cycle assessment methodology and impact reduction strategies to support the decarbonization of the built environment.
Stefano Schiavon
Prof. of Architecture and Civil & Environmental Engineering and CEDR Associate Director
Stefano Schiavon is focusing on finding ways to reduce energy consumption in buildings while also increasing occupant health, well-being and productivity.
Yan Wang
Postdoctoral Researcher
Yan Wang focuses on developing HVAC control strategies that can save energy costs and are feasible to implement at scale within building automation systems.
Ramon Weber
Assistant Professor Structural Design and Building Technology
Ramon Weber works at the intersection of structural design, building science research, and digital technology, driving innovation towards more sustainable architecture.
Hui Zhang
Professional Researcher
Hui Zhang focuses on human thermal comfort in complex environments and comfort modeling, and led the creation of the CBE Advanced Comfort Model.
Nina Zhang
Undergraduate Student Assistant
Nina Zhang is a Student Assistant at CBE as of October 2024 who works closely with Allison on administrative and research tasks.