Graphic with CBE, Berkeley, ASHRAE and AHR logos, buildings in background, names and headshots of speakers listed in text below.

February 8 – February 11, 2025

Recent key findings on CBE’s research on HVAC systems, resilience and comfort will be featured in numerous presentations by researchers, graduate students and CBE Industry Partners at the ASHRAE Annual Winter Conference and AHR Expo in Orlando. Below are links to abstracts and details for people attending, plus links to papers and publications for people seeking more details.

Assessing Overheating Risk and Energy Impacts in California’s Residential Buildings will be presented by Berkeley graduate student Harry Jiang on February 9th. This work, completed with numerous CBE faculty and researcher contributors, quantifies the overheating risk in the housing sector to support the development of policies related to maximum safe indoor thermal limits.The work was funded in part by the California Department of Housing and Community Development, details can be found in this conference paper, and this policy document.

Passive and Low-Energy Strategies for Thermal Resilience During Sleep will also be presented on February 9th by Arfa Aijazi, now with the University of Waterloo, Canada, showcasing work conducted during her graduate studies at UC Berkeley, in CBE’s environmental test chamber. Arfa’s paper was published in Nature.

Energy Flexibility and Sensitivity Analysis of High Thermal Mass Radiant Terminals will be presented by Assistant Professional Researcher Carlos Duarte on February 11th. This study conducted a sensitivity analysis of load shifting parameters for radiant systems across California, and in other US cities and China. The full paper is online here.

Quantifying Office Building HVAC Marginal Operating Carbon Emissions and Load Shift Potential: A Case Study in California will presented by Berkeley graduate student Aoyu Zou on February 12th. The presentation will outline the use of the marginal operating emissions rate to evaluate the impacts of demand-side management, with results from a case study that tested emission-based load-shifting strategies in a California building. See the complete paper online.

At the AHR Expo Orlando, Radiant Cooling: High-Performance Trends and Research on Radiant Cooling Systems will be presented on February 11th by Carlos Duarte and Saeed Danesh, technical project specialist with REHAU and one of CBE’s Industry Partners. This free seminar will cover principles of radiant systems, energy efficiency and comfort with high thermal mass systems, and insights from CBE research around design strategies, tools and integration with ceiling fans.

We are excited to share these insights and resources with our peers and the building industry at large, and look forward to connecting and expanding our outreach at these upcoming events in Orlando.

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