

The Building Science Lab maintains facilities for evaluating the performance of buildings and occupants’ experiences, and offers a suite of online tools for building owners and professionals.

Research staff at CBE have pioneered new tools and methods to study buildings in operation, and to assess the effects of design and operational strategies on energy use, comfort and productivity. These approaches include a web-based occupant survey toolkit, and online tools allow professionals, researchers and students to investigate building science questions.


Building Performance Tools

CBE maintains a growing suite of desktop and online tools for design and research purposes, which are available for use by CBE industry partners and other industry professionals.


Occupant Survey Tools

Occupant surveys are an invaluable source of information for improving the performance of buildings. CBE’s research team has developed a cost-effective, web-based survey that is intuitive and streamlined, and preserves the confidentiality of respondents.



Our media page provides links to our overview videos, research presentations and some tutorials to assist practitioners on the use of online tools.


Our Research Facilities

The Building Science Laboratory at UC Berkeley is a unique facility, entirely dedicated to research on building performance, technology, and human-building interaction.

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