CBE’s research team has developed new ways to “take the pulse” of buildings in operation: measuring the occupants’ responses to their indoor environments, and linking them to improved physical measurements of indoor environmental quality. We also study technologies that hold promise for making buildings more environmentally friendly, more productive to work in, and more economical to operate.
Current and Keystone Projects

A Framework for View Quality and Related Research
Multi-project research to provide structure for design and research related to window views.

California Safe Indoor Temperature Policy Study
Informing decision-making about indoor heat risks to human health.



Embodied Carbon and Life Cycle Assessment
Applying life cycle assessment and other tools to advance the rapid decarbonization of buildings.



Integrating Smart Ceiling Fans and Communicating Thermostats to Provide Energy-Efficient Comfort
Field demonstrations, laboratory studies and design resource development.

Facade Case Studies Interactive Map
Supporting the adoption of advanced facade design strategies and technologies.

Ceiling Fan Integrated Air Conditioning
An innovative design approach that takes advantage of fans for cooling and mixing supply air.

Using Brick to Enable Portable Analytics, Modeling and Controls
Skewering the Silos: Advancing the open-source data model Brick into a demonstrated and tested tool

Radiant Systems Research
Providing guidelines and information for a promising and rapidly evolving building technology.


Cost-Responsive Supply Air Temperature Reset Strategy
Innovative control sequence for building automation systems widely applicable today.

Mapping Commercial Building Electrification
Case studies with a focus on electrification of large existing commercial buildings.

Advanced Personal Comfort Systems Development and Testing
Providing local individual thermal comfort for occupant satisfaction and reduced energy consumption.


Thermal Comfort Automotive Research (TCAR)
Using CBE’s world-class thermal comfort resources to improve comfort in automobiles.


Building Performance Evaluation Toolkit
An integrated building evaluation tool-kit for measuring numerous indoor environmental parameters.

Time-Averaged Ventilation for Optimized Control of Variable-Air-Volume Systems
Saving energy in variable air volume systems by optimizing minimum airflow rates.

CBE Rad Tool: Early Design Tool for High Thermal Mass Radiant Systems
Dynamic load calculator for the study of radiant system design and operation.


Optimizing Radiant Systems for Energy Efficiency and Comfort
Multi-project program to provide deep insights and design guidance.

Advanced Ceiling Fan Design Tool
Facilitating appropriate specification and layout of fans based on key design parameters.

Window Views Impact on Thermal Comfort, Emotions and Cognitive Performance
Insights regarding benefits from visual connections to outdoors through a window.


Comparison of Hot Water and Electric Reheat
Analysis of a reheat system showed that just 17% of the heating energy cost was useful reheat.

Advanced Human Thermal Comfort Model
A tool for predicting human comfort resulting from HVAC, building and facade design decisions.

Low-Energy Occupant-Responsive HVAC Controls and Systems
Reducing energy use in buildings, while improving occupant comfort.

High-Performance Facade Design Strategies and Applications
Lessons learned from advanced facade applications in Europe and North America.

Global Comfort Data Visualization Tools
Interactive thermal comfort tools for data visualization and query building.
Completed Projects

Guidebook on Fans for Cooling People IEQ
Comprehensive guide for practitioners on design and implementation of fans and fan-integrated systems

Overcooling and Gender in Office Environments IEQ
Analysis of occupant survey and Twitter data reveal inequities in office comfort.

Low-Cost MEMS-Based Ultrasonic Airflow Sensors for Rooms and HVAC Systems IEQ HVAC
Low-cost sensor systems to monitor and optimize HVAC systems for energy and comfort.

Underfloor Air Distribution (UFAD) Design Guidance HVAC
Peer-reviewed technical guidance for design teams and building operators.

Energy Performance Modeling of Underfloor Air Distribution Systems HVAC
Development of the first tool to provide accurate whole-building modeling of the energy performance of underfloor systems.

Advanced Integrated Systems HVAC
Achieving deep energy reductions using integrated design solutions with advanced low-energy and high indoor environmental quality building technologies.

Control Strategies that Reduce Minimum Airflow to Save Energy and Maintain Comfort HVAC
Low-cost HVAC control programming can reduce energy while improving summer comfort.

Radiant Near Zero-Net-Energy (ZNE) Buildings HVAC
Case studies of near or fully zero-net-energy buildings showcase optimal radiant application.

Setpoint Energy Savings Calculator HVAC IEQ
An online tool for fast energy saving estimations of expanded temperature ranges.

Mixed-Mode Building Research FS
Investigating multiple topics related to mixed-mode buildings.

Adaptive Comfort Model FS
A standard for thermal comfort in naturally ventilated buildings included in ASHRAE Standard 55.

Visualizing Building Information HI
Optimizing information feedback to inform and encourage resource saving behavior.

Speech Privacy in Office Environments IEQ
Validation of a method to predict speech privacy in a diversity of office environments.

Acoustical Analysis in Office Environments Using POE Surveys IEQ
CBE mined Occupant IEQ Survey data to investigate occupant satisfaction in a variety of office configurations.

Demand Response Enabling Technology Development
Developing technology for tomorrow’s dynamic electricity-pricing systems

Thermal Comfort in Naturally Ventilated Buildings FS
Natural ventilation for energy savings in California commercial buildings.

Methods for Mixed-Mode Building Field Studies FS
Proposing new protocols for assessing comfort in buildings with mixed-mode ventilation and personal comfort systems.

Window Control Signaling Systems FS
Assessing the design strategies and occupant response to red/green light window control signaling systems.

Occupant Satisfaction in Mixed-Mode Buildings FS
Comparing occupant satisfaction with indoor environmental quality of mixed-mode and sealed buildings.

Case Study Research of Mixed-Mode Office Buildings FS
Studying the effectiveness of strategies which combine natural ventilation with conventional HVAC.

Development of a Prototype Wireless Lighting Control System HI
This low-cost system may lead to short payback periods for energy-saving lighting retrofits.

UFAD Building Case Studies and Project Database HVAC
The study and documentation of current industry practices, design trends, success stories, and lessons learned.

Occupant Satisfaction in Green and LEED-Certified Buildings IEQ HI
Occupant survey data provides insights on occupant satisfaction in LEED and green buildings.

Occupant Perspectives on Outdoor Noise in Office Buildings IEQ
Testing perceived barriers to adoption of naturally ventilated and mixed mode buildings.

Thermal Comfort in Non-Uniform Environments IEQ
Using the Advanced Thermal Comfort Model to study comfort implications of emerging green building technologies.

The Impact of Ventilation on Productivity IEQ
Comparing worker productivity to physical conditions in the workplace environment.

Research on Displacement Ventilation Systems HVAC
Developing new and improved guidelines and tools for stratified environments using displacement ventilation.

CBE 3D Mean Radiant Temperature Tool IEQ
Graphical visualization for spatial resolution of mean radiant temperature (MRT) within a space.

Kresge Foundation Complex Case Study HVAC
Occupant surveys are an invaluable source of information regarding occupant satisfaction and workplace effectiveness.

Occupant Control of Windows: Accounting for Human Behavior IEQ
Synthesizing existing behavioral models on occupant interaction with windows.

Low Energy Cooling in California FS
Evaluation of California climates for mixed-mode strategies with radiant cooling

Operable Windows, Personal Control, and Thermal Comfort FS
Evaluating the influence of personal control in allowing building occupants to be comfortable in a wider range of conditions than prescribed by existing standards.

Plug Loads Energy Study: Simulated and Actual Energy Use HI
Understanding and tightening the gap between simulated and actual energy use.

A Python Package for Thermal Comfort IEQ
A Python library that enables accurate and complex thermal comfort calculations.

The Impact of Team Space Design on Collaboration HI
Assessing individual and group worker effectiveness in today’s new workplace paradigm.

Underfloor Air Distribution (UFAD) Design Tool HVAC
Providing simplified design tools for optimization of underfloor systems.

Integration of Fans in Office Environments for Comfort and Energy Efficiency HVAC
Evaluating the potential effectiveness of various types of fans for low-energy comfort.

Comfort, Perceived Air Quality, and Work Performance in a Low-Power Personal Comfort System IEQ
Personal comfort systems may increase comfort and productivity while reducing building energy use.

Acoustical Field Study in a UFAD Building HVAC IEQ
Verifying acoustical performance of as-built partitions and acoustical construction.

Building Operators’ Behavior and Complaint Handling HI
Seeking to understand the behavioral and social dynamics of commercial building energy use.

Evaluating Facade Performance in Terms of Occupant Comfort FS
Creating new industry standards for window manufacturers, designers, and specifiers.